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Our reputation is showcased in our case studies


Our case studies feature a wide range of applications, from roadway and parking lot lighting to lighting for parks and other public spaces. Each case study provides a detailed overview of the project, including the customer’s goals and the specific challenges we faced in designing and implementing the solution.
Through our case studies, you can see firsthand how our team of experts works closely with customers to understand their unique needs and develop customized solutions that deliver measurable results. From reducing carbon emissions to improving visibility and safety, our solar lighting solutions have helped customers across North America achieve their sustainability goals while enhancing the overall quality of life in their communities.

Solar LED lighting cuts down LA bike path vandalism

Housing complex fulfills eco-friendly mandate with solar street lights

Solar pathway lights keep Thut Park green

Solar perimeter lighting brightens security at NAS Fallon

Solar LED parking lot lights save California energy facility $1.5 million

Sustainable Solar Lighting in Suape Harbor