Home » Learn About Solar Lighting » Solar powered street lights make the grade

Case study February 2017

Solar powered street lights make the grade


Location: Ft. Pierce, Florida

Client: Indian River State College

Products Used: Sol 20/20™ Solar LED Lights



The three-story Brown Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (BCIE) at the Indian River State College (IRSC) Main Campus in Fort Pierce, Florida, was constructed to Gold LEED standards for green construction. Brown Center prepares students for cutting-edge careers in emerging technologies, particularly in energy-related fields. The BCIE also provides programs and services to entrepreneurs and business startups planning to create new types of jobs. IRSC needed a street light solution for the prominent entry drive that would be in keeping with the green and sustainable purpose and construction of the facility.




Sol donated several 20/20™ solar powered street lights for the Brown Center’s entry driveway. This donation was in keeping with both Sol’s long history of supporting local businesses and institutions and its standard of producing ever-evolving, state-of-the-art solar powered street lights technology.

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