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Educational February 2023

Ultimate Solar Lighting Guide

We make it easy to understand solar lighting specifications

The solar outdoor lighting market is crowded with a wide range of choices that provide different light outputs, batteries, bulb options, and more—not to mention the fact that they all explain these specifications in different ways. We’ve created a free guide explaining how to understand and compare these specifications. If you are a lighting professional tasked with helping a client select a solar lighting option, this guide will walk you through the questions you can work through together to complete the project. For clients themselves, this guide is also a valuable tool for self-education.


What will you learn?

  • How a solar light works
  • 7 things to discuss with clients about their requirements before comparing manufacturers
  • The importance of location, solar panel sizing, batteries, and LED fixtures in evaluating manufacturers
  • Which costs you should focus on when making a final decision

This helpful resource also contains case studies, example calculations, and diagrams to help guide you through the process.


Get the Ultimate Solar Lighting Specifications Guide now

Looking for educational credits?

We also have a version of this guide available on AEC Daily. Earn two education credits when you complete “3 Steps to Understanding Commercial Solar Lighting Specifications.”


Learn more about how to earn AEC Daily credits with Sol here.

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