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Solar Advantages – No Grid Access


Some of the biggest challenges with power are accessibility and cost. Over the past 20 years, Sol’s solar lights have been the go-to solution to meet these challenges—and we’ve provided illumination for projects that would have otherwise been left in the dark.


What problems related to accessibility and cost does Sol solar lighting solve?



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1. Long distance to grid


Why? The distance to the nearest grid connection may be significant, ramping up costs and environmental disruption required for trenching.

2. High cost of on-grid electricity


Why? Even if grid access is close by, the price per kilowatt hour may be unsustainable for the community or business paying for the power.

>> Removing the utility company from your power supply equation can reduce the cost of on-grid electricity—and adding solar removes it altogether. Learn about self-reliance for your street lights.

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3. Challenging process for construction approval


Why? Studies may be required to determine the environmental impacts of trenching for grid connectivity, resulting in high consultation fees and the possibility that trenching may be prohibited anyway. >> See how an energy facility avoided $1.5 million in possible costs for environmental approval by choosing solar LED parking lot lights.

4. Challenging process for construction approval


Why? In locations that have already been designated as environmentally sensitive or at-risk, on-grid lighting is no longer an option.

>> See how the Lummi Nation used solar pathway lights through sensitive wetlands.


5. Existing infrastructure already in place


Why? When existing infrastructure is already in place—from a pathway to a parking lot—trenching would be costly in terms of damage to existing infrastructure or green space. >> See how Thut Park added solar lights to an existing pathway.

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6. Power supply is risk


Why? Whether a military facility is in a remote location, deals with difficult weather conditions, or is susceptible to security threats, it requires uninterrupted power for security. >> See how Naval Air Station Fallon added solar perimeter lighting.


7. Power supply is unreliable


Why? Some communities may not have dependable grid power, making the addition of grid lighting prohibitively expensive for a product that may not be working when it’s supposed to be. >> See how a housing complex in Venezuela used solar street lights to combat an unreliable grid and address safety concerns.

8. Ground conditions are unstable


Some locations may be risky for trenching, such as where the water table is high, or where ground materials make trenching unstable (like permafrost). >> See how Wray, Colorado, used solar pathway lighting along a riverside trail.

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9. Grid connectivity may not be desired


Why? Some municipalities may have a mandate or simply a desire to use an alternative energy source.

>> Learn more about how we keep it simple to switch to solar, helping your city meet its mandates for a greener community.


Don’t settle for no light at all. Sol outdoor solar lights offer dependable lighting in any location for worry-free installation and beyond.




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