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News May 2018

EverGen featured in Green Building + Design magazine


The May-June 2018 issue of Green Building + Design features a story about the EverGen M Series and how it fits into the bigger story of Sol’s cost-effective, built-tough solar outdoor lighting solutions that are properly sized to last for 10 years and beyond. Founded in 2009, Green Building + Design magazine celebrates its 50th issue this month. It aims to connect and inspire green building professionals, including architects, builders, and developers, with sustainable design, development, planning, and policy. Sol was pleased to be part of this issue. Read an excerpt of the story below, or click the link for a full PDF.

Going Beyond Green


Today’s solar lighting technology challenges the traditional lighting status quo by offering light with no compromise.
When the city of Aurora, Colorado, revisited its master plan for Sand Creek Park before re-opening in late 2017, it was clear people didn’t want to do anything to distract from the natural beauty of the park. The city developed a plan for the park, alongside a new light rail station, that not only included native plant life and a revitalized playground made from natural materials—it also included environmentally friendly solar-powered lighting.

But why solar? The city discovered a standard lighting solution for the park and adjoining parking lot would be challenging; the closest grid connection was on the other side of the light rail tracks, making it inaccessible, and trenching power lines to the next closest grid connection would be prohibitively expensive, according to Nicole Horst, principal at Wenk Associates, the landscape architecture and planning firm that designed the park. So they turned to Sol, a subsidiary of Carmanah Technologies, for a technologically advanced solar solution that met their needs at a comparable price, without sacrificing light performance, component durability, or system reliability compared to traditional on-grid lighting.


>> Read the full story


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