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News March 2008

Government of Canada Shows Commitment to Renewable Power with Investment in Solar Power Project for Kelowna


Canada Logo Fisheries And Oceans

Thursday, March 13, 2008


VANCOUVER – The Honourable Gary Lunn, Minister of Natural Resources, today announced that the Government of Canada is investing $500,000 in an outdoor lighting project in Kelowna, B.C. Speaking at the GLOBE 2008 conference, Minister Lunn was joined by Sharon Shepherd, Mayor of Kelowna, and Philippe Favreau, Chief Operating Officer of Carmanah Technologies.


“Our Government is pleased to support this innovative solar-powered technology project and its potential to benefit communities across Canada and around the world,” said Minister Lunn. “By working in partnership with industry and communities, Canada can lead the way in reducing energy costs, increasing the use of clean energy and creating a healthier environment for Canadians.”


The one-year project, developed by Carmanah Technologies Corporation of Victoria, B.C., will install a network of 100 self-contained solar power systems to light public spaces in Kelowna, including parks, pedestrian and bike trails, accent lighting, and security and safety lighting. The Government of Canada contributed $500,000 to the project through Natural Resources Canada, including $20,000 of in-kind support from NRCan’s CANMET Energy Technology Centre.

city of Kelowna

“We’re thrilled to be a partner in this pilot project that showcases responsible energy management,” said Mayor Shepherd. “Sunlight is true “local” energy and doesn’t have to be explored, mined, extracted, transported, combusted, imported or purchased, making it the ultimate eco-friendly source of power.”


Kelowna’s topography allows it to receive sunshine during much of the day and in every season. On average, Kelowna receives more than 2,000 hours of sunshine a year, making it an ideal location to demonstrate the potential of Carmanah’s EverGEN lighting system.

According to Philippe Favreau, COO of Vancouver Island-based Carmanah Technologies, Kelowna’s community-wide deployment of solar-powered area lights reflects a global shift towards environmentally friendly lighting alternatives. “We’re very pleased to be a part of this exciting solar initiative,” said Mr. Favreau. “It’s great to see such a commitment to renewable energy technology, both on a national level and locally, right here in our home province of British Columbia.”


The Government of Canada’s support for this project is part of a commitment to help Canadians reduce energy costs and be energy-efficient. As part of its comprehensive ecoACTION plan, the government is investing $3.6 billion in ecoENERGY initiatives to help Canadians use energy more efficiently, boost renewable energy supplies and develop cleaner energy technologies.


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