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Educational March 2017

From Order to Installation and Beyond, We Keep It Simple


Want to power your project with solar lights? We support you every step of the way. With every EverGen solar lighting system, you get a complete system package from order to installation and beyond.


When you order EverGen solar commercial lights for your project, we tailor them specifically to meet your project needs, ensuring they last over the long term with virtually no maintenance.


Your entire project can be installed, commissioned, and lit in a single day using only standard equipment—no local utility needed. Our contractor-friendly, plug-and-play setup requires no certified electricians and can be completed with standard tools and a bucket truck/crane. Once installed, our EverGen Setup App for mobile devices makes commissioning your lights quick and easy.


After installation, the EverGen’s built-in smart technology—Sol’s Insight remote monitoring platform—oversees your entire network of solar lights and provides automatic notifications to your dashboard following any system performance issues that might arise.

Watch our short video below to learn how Sol keeps the solar commercial lighting process simple from order to product installation and beyond.

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